Thursday, September 3, 2009


Welcome to Veritas Vox Populi, for those of you who are a little rusty with your Latin that means get a dictionary and figure it out for yourself. Not everything in life is handed to you on a platter, some of it you have to work for yourself. If you haven't guessed by now, I intend to call 'em like I see 'em, and if you don't like that I would suggest you move on to somewhere a little more politcally correct.

For those still reading, I am a 35 yr old graduate of Lake Superior State University with a BS in History and Minors in English and Secondary Education. No this does not make me a know-it-all teacher, it makes me someone who has some idea of where society and civilization has came from and I realise where it is headed. I tried my hand at teaching and decided that, while I liked what I did and the kids I worked with, I couldn't stand parents or the rampent nepotism that infects our American educational systems. If you feel the "good 'ole boy" system of hiring and promoting is limited to the business world all you need to do is step through the doors of your local school and look around to see how many of those working there are related to another employee.

I am also a published author. I have written articles on the right to revolt and the true definition of evil. I feel that if you are unhappy with those who are in power over you, you have the right to stand up and say, "No more!"

This does not mean I am calling for and armed march on a capital anywhere in the US. It means that when we have our organized revolt, ie elections, don't vote for the same moran time after time. And if you decide to vote for the same idiots, sit down and shut up, you are more a part of the problem than you are the solution.

Much of what you read here will be me commenting on the news from around the world, as well as on occassion comments on events and activites here in my own home town. Nobody is safe, and no topic is taboo. I invite comment and look forward to hearing your ideas on what I have to say. Just be warned, if you comment like a moran, you could very well be the next topic I discuss.


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