Sunday, December 6, 2009

WW I Memorial

For those who haven't read the recent news, the last surviving US WW I Veteran, Mr Frank Buckles, is part of a group lobbying Washington DC to have a WWI Memorial erected on the National Mall. While there is a monument tot hose who served and died in WW I, the Liberty Memorial, it is located in Kansas City Missouri. Just last year the US Senate declared the Museum at the Liberty Memorial the official national museum to honor WW I.

Now here is my personal thoughts on this matter. While there are memorials to WW II, Korea, and Vietnam on the National Mall, there is not one for WW I. Why not have one for WW I? And then there is the other issue at play here; the last surviving US WW I Veteran has ask for a Memorial to his comrades-in-arms and we need to have Senate Hearing to decide the issue.

Just build the thing already. After what this man gave to his country in not just one, but two world wars (he was taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese in WW II and held for three years), there should only be two questions, what do you want and where do you want it?

As a veteran myself, and someone who has great respect for those who came before me, I feel a deep sense of sadness and, at the same time outrage that this is what we must go through to honor the heroes of our country. What a sad commentary on the state of our nation, when someone as distinguished as Mr Buckles must be paraded before the nation in such a fashion to simply pay respect to those who died to preserve not only our freedom, but the freedom of those around the world.

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