Thursday, September 23, 2010

To Quiet Too Long

I almost made it, but in the end I wasn't able to sit by any longer. Some quack in Florida wants to burn a Quran, and We the People, here in the Land of the Free, were suppose to be outraged.


Was it because this man was using the destruction of a religious book to make a political statement, or was it because his statement was of an anti-Muslim nature?

Either way, we may not like what he planned on doing, but we must stand up and support his actions, least we all take part in a greater tyranny, the infringement of this man's right to the freedom of symbolic speech. We have stood up for the right of people around the world to burn the American Flag in protest to American actions and ideals. We allow the wearing of the American flag on clothing, regardless where and how it is worn, but when a person steps forward and announces his plan to burn the Quran in protest of plans to build a Mosque in New York City.

I personally think, as I stated earlier, that this guy is a Quack, with a capital Q. Yet I can not in good conscience stand by while he is denied his right to free speech. The US Legal System has countless times ruled on the validity of symbolic speech (ie Tinker v Des Moines, US v O'Brien, Texas v Johnson).

If we can burn a flag to protest our governments actions, and we can burn any book we want, no matter how much it makes is look like a Nazi, then this man has every right to burn the symbol of the Muslim people, and anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly wrong.

Remember, it may not be the right thing, but is the free thing.

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